Where did those six weeks go? For the first four weeks of their life the kittens were confined to the nest, mainly sleeping and suckling ... what a life! Suddenly one of them discovered that he could get over the edge of their container and within five minutes all the kittens had discovered that the world was slightly bigger and more interesting than the inside of a basket! Since then we have had two wonderful weeks with five kittens causing mayhem and laughter throughout the house.
They all have loving homes to go to and now we are left with only one (aptly named 'Tom Kitten') to be collected. We decided to let our cat have kittens because its something that our children will remember fondly for the rest of their lives. Many life lessons have been learned ... from witnessing the magic of birth, to endless laughter and entertainment right down to letting go of the kittens we love to caring homes.
Shortly the mother will be spayed to avoid her having endless kittens that would become more and more difficult to home. Both of our tom cats are also neutered. I think the small outlay to have a cat doctored is a fair price to pay in return for her comfort, and to negate the need to send endless streams of kittens to animal shelters. Infact, here in Ireland, kittens that make it to animal shelters are only the tip of the iceberg, they are the lucky ones. Many more are killed inhumanely, and there are too often stories of bags of kittens or puppies being thrown into rivers or from moving cars.
So this week we bid a fond farewell to our adorable kitties of mass destruction and their simultaneous endless entertainment.
Adorable! And I like how your decision was based on the thought that this would be a good learning experience and create fond memories for your children. That being said, I'm sure it will be nice to go back to having a peaceful, kitten-free home.
Posted by: melanie | September 07, 2007 at 12:37 AM
Kittens are just wonderful I have fond memories of litters when I was younger but you are so right you have to be responsible for as much as some of us love and care for our cats not everyone does.
Posted by: carolyn | September 07, 2007 at 11:12 AM
What a wonderful blog you have, thanks for sharing. It gives hope that we can do what your doing. Thanks too for the educational bits about the kittens, they are adorable and look so healthy. Here in the states we have the same issues with homless cats. They are dumped and abondoned with out a backward glance quite often.
Posted by: andylynne | September 07, 2007 at 05:05 PM
Yes, we did this with little Nimsy years ago and I can remember how grateful she was when we sent the kittens away at eight weeks, because they were all bigger than her by then! It was also a comfort when she was hit by a car, because we were able to go and visit her kittens (which were all lazy lumps by then).
Posted by: hedgewizard | September 08, 2007 at 10:28 AM
Your kittens are beautiful. When I moved to the farm we inherited Snowy who had lots of kittens. I found it very stressful trying to rehome the kittens if they did not go missing from the farm. Now she has been neutered along with four of her kittens, I have a lovely family of cats, which although live outside are becoming tamer by the day.
Sara from farmingfriends
Posted by: farmingfriends | September 11, 2007 at 11:39 PM
I love those black and white photos of the kittens.
Posted by: Janet | September 12, 2007 at 08:42 AM
Our cat had kittens last summer and it was the most wonderful thing for all the family. Wonderful memories were made and we kept two of the kittens, the other two went to my sister. There won't be anymore kittens but I'm so glad we all share one fantastic summer memory.
Posted by: little jenny wren | September 15, 2007 at 09:46 PM
Posted by: jessilee | April 29, 2008 at 07:43 PM
the kitty are so cute
Posted by: julie | May 07, 2008 at 05:45 PM
I have never had a cat before but i really want one for christmas I am 18 and my boyfriend and I have been looking for the right one for him to get me.. and the ones in your pictures are perfect any chance you know how I could go about purchasing that type of cat?
Posted by: jill | December 08, 2008 at 05:03 AM
i love kittens ! they r so cute ! i hope they are healthy and smart !
another kitten lover ! :)
Posted by: lauren | March 06, 2009 at 03:40 AM
What,pertty babies. our lily had babies feb 22 09 and it is now time to home them.I have a heavyness in my heart about removing lilys babies,i worry she will become sad and wondered if you might have suggestions on how to get through this difficult time.thank you Another cat lover.
Posted by: jenefer mifsud | April 15, 2009 at 05:25 PM